Tuesday, 20 November 2007

Evaluative Report, Kentish Town

Kentish Town was the area allocated to our group to research and to make up a scavenger hunt game as part of the Unit2 process. One of the good aspects in this project was the fact that the group got together pretty much straight away after the project was given, this gave us a lot of time to get to know the area. Students from all three pathways were present in our group and originally we were supposed to divide ourselves up into groups of 2 so that people can research areas that are related to their pathway. Each one of us chose spaces in the area that we wanted to research. As my pathway is spatial I tried to look at the areas with spatial significance. After putting together the information that we found, instead of working individually on chosen areas, we continued working together on all the areas, trying to find more useful information.

Visiting the site was the most important part of this process, which we did individually as well as a group about 4 or 5 times. We walked the route, taking photos and discovering new spaces that we did not find through the web research. Our findings included interesting spaces such as St. Pancras public baths, the local library, city farm, the forum (where the musical events take place), artefacts such as the ‘memorial’ (rubbish bin of an interesting design), sports centre, art galleries, small green space and the Kentish town market.

“Many of the old buildings remain, albeit hidden behind the facades of modern shops or neglected, and it is still possible to get a good impression of Kentish Town's heritage in present-day NW5.”1
This was a very interesting experience as it helped me to get to know one of the areas of London, which I never thought of visiting, thinking there would not be anything interesting. However this project proved me wrong as I discovered very interesting spaces with spatial as well as architectural and artefact significance present in this location that I never knew existed. As well as that, this project also helped me as an individual to be able to work within a large group, which at times could be found hard. The end result I thought was successful as we put together our scavenger hunt game. I very much enjoyed experiencing areas of London that were completely new to me.

On the down side, the group struggled with deciding whether to include certain parts of the area and I as an individual struggled with keeping the research organised. If I had a chance to do this project again I would start by planning each step so that nothing is left to the last minute and would have used more different resources for my research in order to have more information to share with the group. I would also be more creative with my approach to the game.

Overall this project helped me gain good understanding and knowledge of Kentish Town. And when it came to the game I thought that the group did a good job as it was quite inventive and creative and hopefully was enjoyed being played by the other group.

1 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kentish_Town


Kenneth Allison (2006). London's Contemporary Architecture. London: architecture press. All.

(2003). A-Z. London: Geographer's A-Z Map Company LTD, Kentish Town

Map: Community advertising (-). Camden and Kentish Town community. London: -. 1


Wikipedia contributors. (2004). Kentish Town. Available: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Kentish_Town&oldid=167517588. Last accessed 27 October 2007.

Editor Soren Johansen
Last accessed 28 October 2007

Last accessed 30 October 2007

Last accessed 3 November 2007

30 October 2007